
#788: How to Remove Bottlenecks for Practice Productivity

Dr. Dave Moghadam returns, this time to chat with Tiff! In this episode, Dr. Moghadam reflects on how he’s addressed being overwhelmed as a doctor/practice owner over the past year, including: Learning to delegate Utilizing your team to make the…

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#439: How To Merge Small Practices Into Large Ones

Kiera is joined by Dr. Dave Moghadam! This episode is a treasure trove of info. Dr. Moghadam shares his experience with smaller practices merging into his larger one. His journey is an unconventional one, and he has plenty of advice based on what he went through. The two talk about … The pros and cons […]

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How to Calibrate Your Hygiene Team

Dr. Dave Moghadam joins Kiera to discuss getting your hygiene team on the same page and at the same point of understanding. He shares his approach, and goes deeper into the following: Gather all information and establish a flow of procedure Hold a longer meeting for your hygiene team to review and add their own […]

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The Perfect Quarterly Calibration

Ladies and gents, he’s back. Dr. Dave Moghadam is again on the podcast, this time to talk with Kiera about quarterly team calibration. While there’s no silver bullet A-to-Z cookbook for how to operate a practice, an outline certainly helps. Dr. Moghadam shares his outline for setting up the ideal quarterly calibration meeting:  Start with […]

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Priority Scheduling: Ideal Week + Ideal Schedules

Dr. Dave Moghadam returns to the Dental A-Team podcast! This time, he’s giving the goods on priority scheduling, something he’s been working with for over a year now. He and Kiera go deep into priority scheduling with the following highlights: How to map out ideal schedule Keeping it flexible Rolling out to the team Space […]

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