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Episode : #445: Dentistry in a Virtual World

Podcast Description

Kiera is joined by Tom Brown of Your Virtual Consult, a system that educates patients about dental procedures and expectations over the computer. Did you know that case acceptance across the United States currently averages 41%? By incorporating Your Virtual Consulat, you can bump that up to 89%!

Kiera and Tom talk about how the system will better both case acceptance and patience experience and improve efficiency and automation in your practice all while keeping a personal touch!

Listen to this episode to get a taste of what comes with Your Virtual Consult. Be an early adopter and get more qualified patients coming to your practice.

About Tom: After a decade in dentistry including stints at Dental Intel and LocalMed, Tom is currently partner and VP of sales with Your Virtual Consult.

Tom’s love of dentistry (which he’s been in for almost a decade!) and technology paired together has made him one of the most well-known faces in dentistry. He enjoys traveling to dental shows, tinkering and refining his teams’ processes and of course meeting up with industry friends from across the country.

When Tom isn’t working on Your Virtual Consult, you can find him hanging with his 10 brothers and sisters, exploring DisneyWorld, and playing volleyball every Tuesday night with his wife.

Episode resources:

Try out Your Virtual Consult

Get in touch with Tom directly

Reach out to Kiera

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