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Episode : #950: Staying Up-To-Date: Dentistry’s Latest Techniques + Technology

Podcast Description

Do you ever feel like there’s too much happening in dentistry to keep your head on straight? Kiera talks about 4 ways you can stay up to date without being overwhelmed:

  1. Listen to podcasts

  2. Attend conferences

  3. Join a consulting group

  4. Find what you’re passionate about

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Kiera Dent (00:00.554)

Hello, Dental A Team listeners. This is Kiera and welcome to the podcast. I hope today is just a magical day for you. I hope that you’re having just a great time and I hope that you just remember that we’re in the greatest space possible. We get to be in dentistry. We get to help people. We get to literally help people have greater smiles and greater happiness in life. And I think that that is one of the most incredible things that we get to be a part of. So thank you for being a part of our family. Thank you for being on the podcast with us.


Thank you for listening in, get ready. We’re gonna actually start to have a lot of you join us on the podcast. I have a new idea that’s ready to trickle out and I hope you are excited for it. I wanna get to know more of you. I want to hear from more of you. So get ready, it’s coming for you. Today is going to be kind of a funny topic. I thought it was funny. I have our team, they’re super kind, our marketing team, shout out to them. They actually go and they read Facebook groups and they read.


different areas, they read a lot of dental information and they’re constantly watching things and they listen for what you guys are emailing in on, which you could always email me a podcast topic. [email protected]. I love to hear from you. love pen pals. and so our team, they go out and they scope and I read this one and I said, I don’t want to podcast on that. and then I read through, they have a nice list for me of about seven pages of topics for me, which is super nice. And this topic was on there like,


It was here. And then I looked on the list and it was here again. And I thought, okay, fine. I will talk about a topic. And I hope that this is helpful for you. And the question is like how to stay updated on all the new dental technology and how to keep my team educated and up to date with the latest techniques and technology. And to me, this feels like a no brainer, but I realized this is obviously a question that you guys have. So let’s answer it. All right. So welcome to the Dental A Team Podcast. I’m going to teach you how to do this, how we do it, how we help other offices do it.


And again, something that I thought was so just everyday knowledge isn’t. So here we go. That’s why we had the podcast. That’s why we share. And if you love our podcast, please do me a solid favor, go like, review and share with somebody today. Okay, so ways that we were able to do this. Number one, you’re doing a great job. You’re listening to a podcast. So high five there. I try really hard to bring people to the industry that I’ve met, that I talk to, but it is tricky. And it’s like, how do we know that these people are the best? So find somebody who’s a trusted source.


Kiera Dent (02:19.774)

within the industry that you can trust. I have prided myself for years that I started Dental A Team because of Midwestern students. Shout out to all my Midwestern students out there. I noticed that in dental school, they were gonna get freaking eaten alive coming out into the world of dentistry. And it’s like, how do you trust different reps? Because people are so good at selling you on the latest technology and the latest this and the latest that, that it’s kind of scary.


And so that was something that I wanted to do is to be a resource, to be a beacon, to help you know, these are people I’ve vetted. Just so you know, any sponsor I bring on, they have to work with us. They have to do different pieces. They have to let me beta test on them of other practices before I will even introduce them. So I have quite a few people in the back burner at all times that I’m testing, that I’m vetting, that I wanna make sure that they’re getting results before I bring them onto the podcast. I got burned a little bit early on. And also if you listen to past podcasts,


that company might not stay the top of the list. I’m constantly looking for it and I tell offices like you might not get to be or sponsors. I will always be looking and if someone comes in better than you, they will get promoted from me. So I think that that’s one zone. Like I’ve told Zeke at Swell, if anybody comes onto the market that’s better doing Google reviews than him, I will definitely promote them. As of today,


Zeke is still the number one way that I get Google reviews for clients. They tell me all the time, Kiera, but we have it in this software, this software. I say, guess what? Zeke does it for, think like 149 or 199 a month. And I have offices who I literally beta tested on who got over 50 reviews in one month from using Swell. They have grown their practice from having like three new patients a month, I’m not joking, to having over 45 new patients a month by using Swell. People ask, how did you do it, Kiera? And I’m like, honestly, it was Google reviews and time. That’s it.


And so for that, I will promote them. And so when you’re curious about how do we find this up to date of new technologies, I think listening to podcasts and listening to trusted sources out there, like AI and different pieces, I also think going to conferences. So the way I actually meet a ton of our sponsors and speakers and different people are through conferences. I go to these conventions and I go meet people and then I go test their products and then I work with them and I figure out and I have a lot of our clients are beta testers for me and they’ll try them out and I get free trials for them.


Kiera Dent (04:35.566)

but going to your conferences in your areas, not only is great for a CE, but go meet people. And I know it can be annoying to be sold all the time, but it can be helpful. And so for example, like right now, the greatest AI on the market is between Overjet and Pearl. Those are the top two for adding AI onto your X-rays to help you co-diagnose, to helping you with that. They’re the best on the market. I love Pearl. That’s the one we’ve selected to go with. We have an affiliate relationship with them where I get the most preferred pricing for all of our clients.


So if you’re interested in that, be sure to reach out. We can help you connect with them and get that discounted rate. But this is how we do it. Also, I think online, like watching reels as silly as that sounds, but there’s a lot on Instagram and TikTok and things like that. But then questioning it as well of is this really real and what really is needed for my practice? So right now AI is hot. So let’s be looking at AI and what things could we implement into our practice. And it’s one of those things I don’t like to be the earliest adopter, but I also don’t want to be the person who never adopted and I actually got left behind.


So when we’re looking for this new technology, we’re looking for these new things, attending those pieces, watching it, and then doing our own individual research. Like you can email me anytime, hey Kiera, have you heard about this company? I love it when people do that. Cause one, you expose me to other companies and two, I’m able to then go research them, vet them, and then bring it to the podcast and share. Because my goal is within our community, within consulting, I love it. We bring our offices together. And this is actually how I also learn about a lot of things. And that would be my third point of like, join a consulting group.


I know I’m a consultant, so hopefully you want to choose the Dental A Team, but join a consulting group that brings people together, that shares. We bring our doctors together every single month, and then we meet in person actually twice a year. And it’s because I want you to mastermind and I want you to talk to each other, and I want you to figure out what are the best ideas, what are the best resources, who are you using for this, who are you using for that? Because just hearing and talking with other people, it’s like, my gosh, I didn’t even know that. In our company, we call it Tip Tuesday.


And every Tuesday, our team member brings pieces to the tables. Like today, Shelby brought like a window cleaner. And it seems so silly, but I think back to community, right? Think back to back in the day when we didn’t have technology and we weren’t all connected virtually, we were connected in person. And when you’re in person, you chat. And when you chat, you share your secrets and you share the best things that work for you. And so like Shelby sharing a glass cleaner that’s $2.89 on Amazon, life-changing.


Kiera Dent (06:59.234)

But without community and without chatting, that’s something that I would have just gone on my merry way continuing to buy Windex that is the strongest being promoted product out there. And it sounds so silly, but it’s tips like that. What are the little things you’re doing in your practice? What are the elite practices doing? What are other offices doing? And let’s all share. And it’s not just the elite practices. It’s a lot of startups. Startups are scrappy. They’ve got other resources. But like I talked to my gym trainer and we used to virtually coach. And then I went in person with her.


And instantly I’m connected to people for the podcast and people for social media and different people for whatever it is because I’m with her. And so getting together with a consulting group that meets in person or meets virtually that shares ideas, our community goes wild and it’s incredible to see them all sharing, hey, what cosmetic group do you want to go to? Or, hey, what’s a great resource for this? Or what’s a great thing for that? But being a part of a group of community of trusted colleagues, I also think is a great way to stay on top of it. Now, how do we get our team educated on it?


I think that there’s other ways like you can take them to courses. So look to see, I usually try to do things within our team that I want to learn. So let’s say we wanna learn marketing. We’re gonna take our team to marketing events. We’re going to find coaches for marketing. We’re gonna find events around it. If you wanna do cosmetic, let’s do cosmetic. Let’s bring it to the office. Again, that’s why I love consulting is because we literally fly to the office and we show you guys what you can implement within your practice that can help with it. So finding those things, but…


Also on your leadership team, get them fired up. Hygenist will go and look for research and information and see E that’s going to make them so excited and so fun that they’re excited about with laser and PRF and PRP and what can we do for snoring and different pieces like that. But find what you’re passionate about. And that’s also another way, because I think sometimes we get so inundated with technology that we miss what we’re actually passionate about. And so really helping you realize this can be fun. You don’t have to be.


over the top and like, my gosh, I’m missing out on all of this. I would say in a simple form of number one, plan to go to at least one dental convention every single year. I don’t care what it is. I don’t care where you go. I don’t care if wanna travel out of state, but that’s gonna be your best way to bring those people in because those conferences are constantly looking for sponsors and people and a lot of the newer companies, a lot of the OG companies.


Kiera Dent (09:13.528)

they tend to attend these conferences. If you’re not in a big area where maybe a lot of people won’t come to it, go to some of the bigger ones like RMDC in Colorado, Chicago Midwinter, Dicama. Some of these are really big ones that will bring more people in for you. And you don’t have to even go for the CE. Just go walk the vendor halls, go see who this is there, and then go do some research on it. Next would be, would say, listen to podcasts and attend free webinars. Our company puts on the third Thursday of every single month, we do a free CE webinar.


And I do that intentionally to bring great people to the audience, to share with you other people that are out there, to get all these different pieces of technology and sponsors and vendors and different things that will make your office easier, attend those. So I would pick once a year, go to a conference every month, find some sort of CE, whether it’s a book, whether it’s a webinar or something that’s going to get you educated. And then the third thing I would say is to join a group, a consulting group, because honestly, that’s where it’s the networking, it’s the community, it’s sharing.


that you’re going to learn all these different pieces. It’s too hard to do it on your own. And so find someone. And of course, I would love Dental A Team to be your preferred consultant. I’d love us to help take you to the next level. I’d love to expose you and your team. We have virtual, we have in-person and we have in-person events and we have in-office visits as well where we come to your practice and we also meet together as a community, as a collective group. We do it on Friday and Saturday. It’s really fun. It’s really exciting. And it’s a really great time to just connect to


to share and I think that you doing those items, you will stay up to date. There’s no way you can’t stay up to date as long as the consultant is innovative. And of course, I’m going to like toot my own horn. We’re one of the youngest consulting companies out there. I’m nervous for us to become an older one, but I’ve tried really hard to keep myself young. Being a millennial, I’m very tech savvy. I’m very aggressive on research and knowledge and innovating and implementing ideas because I know that if we don’t, be dated very quickly. And so,


also finding someone who is maybe a little bit younger on that. Like I look for social people that are in their twenties because they’re going to innovate even better than I will. And so those would be some of my suggestions of how you can stay up to date, how you can stay current, how you can make sure that you’re gathering all these research, these resources, and then realize I’m not going to catch them all, but I’m going to focus on the ones that turn my practice to ease efficiency in the areas I want. And that’s what I’m going to do. And I guarantee you, if you do that, you will be so happy. So


Kiera Dent (11:36.386)

Hopefully those gave you some ideas. Like I said, this was a topic that I thought everybody already knew, but in digging into it, I realized this can feel daunting and it can feel like I’m always behind, but I think breaking it down to your annual, your monthly, and then also joining a group. Again, like I said, I’d love you to be a part of it. I think those three things will keep you current and will keep your team current as well. And as always, if we can help you reach out, [email protected] You guys are incredible. We’re doing an incredible work. There’s amazing things coming into dentistry. And I would say do not get left behind.


but stay current. And then I guess my fourth final tip for you would be commit to implementing at least one item of new technology every single year. And I think if you do those items, you will always stay up to date. I’m happy to share a ton of our resources. So reach out, [email protected] And as always, thanks for listening. I’ll catch you next time on the Dental A Team Podcast.

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