Updating your Operations Manual for next year – plan for it now!

Looking back we know that change is inevitable. It’s always going to happen. That means that your Operations Manual will always need to be updated! Don’t wait until the last minute, plan ahead and be ready for updates NOW! No, I’m not asking you to be a future teller and know all of the things you’ll need to update.


Here is what I’m actually talking about:

  1. Schedule a meeting with your team to review your entire operations manual. This is your opportunity to get reacquainted and learn to love it! (PRO TIP: Schedule for February time frame, January can get crazy with benefit renewals!) 
  2. Make a working document (a Google Sheet or shared doc on your drive) that you or any team member can list changes, updates or new protocol needs as they think of them; you can use this document in your meeting to work faster.
  3. Review the document yourself prior to your meeting to be super familiar with what you want and to come into the meeting with a clear idea of what you expect the outcome to be!

For more tips, check out our latest episode!


This yearly meeting is KEY and is absolutely essential to ensuring that this working document is kept up to date and alive! Your team (and you) definitely work hard to catch things during the year and update them as they come but there’s just no way to ensure that it always happens! Reviewing it as a group helps the team identify both small and big issues effectively.


Who should be at this meeting? Everyone! Don’t skimp out and assume team members don’t have the information you need and also don’t try to do it yourself. Your team has the information and they want to help!!


Schedule the meeting today, don’t miss the boat on this one! 


As always, we’re here for you if you have any questions or need our help! Seek Expert Guidance.


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