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Episode : #945: From $1.2 Million to $2.5 Million — Here’s How

Podcast Description

Tiff and Britt provide a play-by-play of what one practice did over the course of one year to go from producing $1.2 million to $2.5 million. This includes having the right systems in place and the right people in the right seats.

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The Dental A Team (00:02.09)

Hello, Dental A Team listeners. I am so excited to be here with you today. We are doing something really exciting. I have Brilliant Brain Britt with me today. I’ll say that three times fast. I love it. It’s sticking today. It’s sticking. But I’m super excited to do this podcast today. This is something we don’t always do. We’re just trying to mix it in for you guys so that you guys can really feel a connection to other


Britt (00:14.852)



The Dental A Team (00:30.767)

human beings. That is something that Dental A Team works really hard on and this year in 2025, it’s a really, really major focus for us is to have all of our doctors that are a part of Dental A Team to have other doctors and other practice owners and leadership people to communicate with because I think sometimes we feel like we’re on our own little island in dentistry and there’s a dentist on every corner in most cities and states but we still feel like we’re alone.


We really want you to have that connection piece that’s really big for us this year and always has been. And Britt and I, Britt, I have you here today. We are going to talk about a practice transformation. This is a client that I think no names used, right? But I think this is a client situation and the statistics is something that we see a lot. This is a very common practice that came into the Dental A Team and then…


Britt (01:13.221)



The Dental A Team (01:24.237)

Honestly, the results that we saw were pretty common as well. Like this isn’t something that I think preface this with that everyone gets the same results every time. It definitely takes a lot of parts and pieces moving together at the same time to make sure that the results are there. Everyone sees results, but.


really looking at the transformation of this practice and I want you guys out there to think how can I see myself in their shoes? How can I see myself in what they’re doing or what they’re looking for? It’s gonna be really huge today. So Brett, I’m excited for this one. How are you doing? How excited are you? What’s life like over there?


Britt (02:02.821)

Good, you know, it’s always fun. just think of right recently we wrote a bunch of cards to clients and it’s just a fun time to sit back and think about, oh, look at, look at all that we’ve accomplished together. Look at how much fun it is. So I kind of feel like that’s like this transformation day is talking about, oh my gosh, it’s so fun to think about all that can be done and all the fun things we’ve done with our clients.


The Dental A Team (02:23.888)

I totally agree. And those cards were so much fun to hear, right? I love thinking about, I was thinking about them the other day. I’m like, gosh, I can’t wait for them to like, I’m sure you guys have gotten them now and opened them and I’ve heard from a few clients, but I love bragging on results and I love bragging on people. And one of the biggest pieces that we work really hard with our clients on, I’ve said this a million times, but it’s making sure that the business is working for them and not just them working for the business. a lot of…


clients, a lot of potential clients, know, the clients that are coming in and doing practice assessments with you guys and looking at what could my life with the Dental A Team look like and what should I be focusing on within that practice assessment. Our clients that we have now, future clients that will come and a lot of you guys out there listening are really looking for very similar things. And the practice we’re going to talk about today, that transformation today is, gosh, this is somebody who we worked just.


so close with and we love them to pieces and in 12 months, so you guys know, we were able to take this practice, this practice and their consultant, they went from 1.2 million and their practice they were doing okay, right? 1.2 million is not bad, but they were kind of tired, they were exhausted, they had two young kids at home that they wanted to be at home with and they were working a lot of hours, they were trying to implement the systems, trying to get everything going.


and just putting a lot of work into this practice to really get it to where they wanted it. What they wanted, you know, was more income. They wanted more profitability. They wanted to be able to take some time off clinically to be with their family and build a life outside of the practice. And I think a lot of the people we talk to, that’s the space you guys are in too. Whether you’ve got littles at home, graduated kids at home, no kids at all, future family, no future family, like no matter what.


I think everybody’s in the business of getting time back and wherever you’re applying that to doesn’t matter. It’s just not being handcuffed to what you’re doing every day, but what you’re doing every day to allow you to have the life of your dreams. And that’s where this practice was. And within 12 months, I want you guys to know the pieces that we’re going to talk about today.


The Dental A Team (04:33.842)

are just some implementables that we worked on with this practice that their consultant worked really hard with them to implement. Went from $1.2 million in their practice in 12 months to a $2.5 million practice. So they doubled their production and their collections. Collections stayed right in line with their production. You guys, that’s a piece I want you to understand and know. Your production can double, but your collections also has to double. You’ve got to make sure you’re staying in that 98 % or higher.


They did that. So their overhead dropped as well significantly. They went down about 10 % in that year. So they increased their production collections, decreased their overhead by about 10 % and their hygiene, which we push, you know, I really want to see your hygiene to three to 3.3 times their rate of pay. This practice is hygiene went above and beyond and we’re doing about five times their rate of pay. So there’s probably, you know, some fee for services in their low PPO, you know, signups. They’ve got only a couple PPO’s and


high reimbursements, but I want those are all a part of those that puzzle you guys. So I really want to dive into how they did this and Britt just objectively, if you have a practice that comes in, you’re doing a lot of these practice assessments yourself as well with the with the team, but a practice comes in and they’re like, gosh, we’re doing fine. Like we’re decent. We’re at one point two million. I’ve got two kids at home. I’m tired. I’m working a lot. I want to be home more like


Objectively, what are some of the first questions that you ask or you’re looking for to know where to take this practice with their systems?


Britt (06:07.159)

I think systems and people, right? I think that’s two things within even this case is looking at what systems do we have running and what people do we have helping to run things that aren’t just doctor. I think it’s common, That sometimes, not sometimes, often we will have doctors come in and they’re doing a lot of things on the business side or keeping track of front desk. They’re doing a lot of pieces that aren’t the most productive thing for them to be doing.


The Dental A Team (06:22.77)



The Dental A Team (06:34.897)



Britt (06:36.365)

And so looking for what are those opportunities of either gaps in systems to where we just don’t have a plan for things, we need to shore some things up and if we’re a little bit more intentional about what we’re doing every day, we’re gonna get better results. And then number two is how can we get the right people in the right seats that allows everybody to function at the height of their ability. And when we’ve got those two things like rockin’ and rollin’ with this transformation that we have.


The Dental A Team (06:58.215)



Britt (07:05.445)

it just runs smoother and especially for doctors, right? Then you’ve got a little more time and you can focus most of your energy on patient care and doing some of those bigger cases, you know, having even just more mental space and exams to talk about optional things, to the opportunity to do more work. And so that’s kind of what I’m looking for. like, all right.


The Dental A Team (07:20.381)



Britt (07:26.051)

What systems and what people do we have? How much is that doctor into and what can we start to transform on both sides to make the most of everybody?


The Dental A Team (07:36.628)

Yeah, it was just brilliant because this practice in specific that we’re talking about, those were the pieces they were lacking. They didn’t have an office manager or a leadership team. They didn’t have a team. They were passing things off to you. They weren’t delegating things. So this doctor comes in and two young children, and wanting more time at home, exhausted and not able to push the production and the collections in the ways that they wanted to.


you look at it and you’re like, yeah, because you’re doing everything. So if we’re holding all of the cards ourselves, whether we’re the manager or the doctor or whoever it might be, if we’re holding all the cards, I think of it as like, you’re trying to hit each one of those pieces and your capacity is only so big. So what happens is


You’re managing the growth. You’re also performing the dentistry. You’re making sure that the patients are happy. You’re making sure the team’s happy. You’ve got your hands in so many different pots that you’ve only got a little bit. You’ve only got so much of you, right? There’s only so much of you. The capacity is only so large. You only have so much to divvy out. And so when you have so many spaces that you’re putting little pieces of yourself into, not to mention the things at home, you’re actually decreasing the value.


of what each of those spaces is getting of you. Because you can only give so much and that’s what spreading yourself then is, right? You can only give so much of yourself to each one of those spaces. So if you were to take a step back and think, well, what parts of this am I doing that someone else could do if I had the right person in place? And I think that’s the first space that they really worked on with this client was taking that step back and saying, if we had a manager in place,


What are the things you’re doing today that a manager could take off of your plate? That just alone, I think the concept and idea of having someone to delegate, that alone frees up so much space in your brain because it gives you a way out, it gives you an option and some clarity. So they worked really hard on this with this practice to really look at if we could hire the right manager, what would we delegate to him or her?


The Dental A Team (09:44.211)

And then they did it. And I know this consultant very, very closely worked very closely with this practice in the hiring, as well as all of us consultants do. We definitely help hire. We’ve definitely done interviews. I’ve done a million interviews for a few practices that really to make sure we’re getting the right person, but they worked really hard on the hiring the right person and then training that person to take a lot of those tasks on. So Britt, when you have that office manager, cause you’re saying like the people and the systems, right?


So when we have that office manager in place that can take some of those pieces from the doctor, what does that open up for the doctor capacity and space wise? then what can, know, I told you a lot of our clients and a lot of our listeners are in the same place. The financials might be different, the numbers might be different, but the problems are usually the same. So if we can get that right person or train the person who’s there now to do some of those pieces, what has that been allowing? What did it allow this doctor to do with their lives?


Britt (10:41.283)

Yeah, I think like I said, it’s a mental capacity one, even like chair time, right, might open some of it up for you. Family time, it opens some of it up for you. And the thing is not only are you passing things off to office manager, you are also, that office manager can shore up things that we know need to be done that haven’t been happening, right? So AR, we need stronger systems or we’ve had them, but nobody’s following them.


The Dental A Team (11:03.797)



Britt (11:07.883)

office manager can take on a lot of those pieces to help drive us forward as well.


The Dental A Team (11:12.948)

For sure, I totally agree. So I think some of the pieces that this doctor specifically had right were not the right, maybe not even the right systems for the right people. Because I think a lot of you guys listening can see yourselves in this doctor’s shoes. Like I said, the numbers might be different. The problems are usually about the same. They just might be on a different level. So part of that and what Britt, you just said too, is really looking at


where are we spreading ourselves then? What are the important pieces that only you can do, doctor? So one piece that we took with this practice alone was to say, dentist, what can you do? You are the only one who can perform the dentistry right now. We don’t have an associate, we don’t have anybody else, which if there’s an associate with a whole other world of problems, we’re going to keep it to you. What are the things that only you can do? And you are the one who’s providing the dentistry. You’re the clinician.


Only you can do the exams, only you can recommend treatment, only you can perform the treatment, only you can run your business from these standpoints. So how do we get those pieces on you? And then how do we divvy out the other pieces? Typically, the stresses are going to come from like Britt just said, and I’m sure this practice had this as well, the AR, right? The accounts receivable, the collections, is the money coming in? And do we have a point person?


appointed to watch those pieces. So that maybe your office manager, it may be a billing person, but ultimately your office manager is going to watch all of those pieces. So what we did with this practice, their consultant strategized with them and built a plan for that office manager. And I know I’ve done this with a lot of clients as well. What is the training plan going to look like? Who are we hiring? So what’s the avatar of the human being that we need? What are the things that we need that human being to perform?


How are we going to strategically train them to take these pieces on from you? And then we trajectory, we have this trajectory and we project when can you say, yes, these things are off my plate? So is it six months from now? Is it nine months from now? What does that look like that these things are off of your plate? And how are we gonna track those trends? So we wouldn’t have these stats 1.2 to 2.5, five times the rate of pay and hygiene decreased overhead by 10%.


The Dental A Team (13:22.695)

if we weren’t tracking the trends and tracking how the systems were being implemented and put into place. So space one, you guys, they hired an office manager and this office manager came in and freaking killed it. This office manager came in, trained with the consultant, trained with the doctor, the doctor delegated, the doctor built the trust with the office manager and the office manager increased the collections through the AR as well. AR and like over the counters, all of those pieces.


They made sure that they were tracking the trends, they were attacking the systems that needed to be attacked, and they kept building. The momentum started and they kept going. On the other side of that, the doctor, right? Talk, maybe speak a little bit to that capacity side of the doctor. You mentioned, you know, mental capacity. If you’re doing all these pieces, your exams, like, what does that look like now? We’ve removed that obstacle of no office manager. Now what can we implement and expect from the doctor?


Britt (14:20.931)

Yeah, so from the doctor, just that mental space, right? We all know when we’re really busy, someone comes to you, you need an answer, whether it’s a patient, whether it’s a team member. Sometimes you just end up making decisions on things that.


if you weren’t so rushed, like you would have maybe gotten a little more information and made a different decision that might have been a better decision in that moment. So I think that’s part of it. think treatment planning, one where they just don’t feel that they’re so frazzled going from thing to thing where.


The Dental A Team (14:42.901)



Britt (14:51.747)

not only they’re taking care of patients, they’re trying to tackle some business things and take care of things in the midst of the day. And so when we’re able to even just compartmentalize that, pass some things off, make specific time to get things done, they can be very patient present, which I think one, not only helps them as a doctor, also helps them to hold their clinical team accountable because they should be preheating and helping the doctor and talking about things. Sometimes when we’re exhausted, it’s like,


The Dental A Team (15:11.212)



Britt (15:18.637)

I don’t even want to tackle that conversation right now. I’ll just do it right like that’s human nature. I think everybody does it in those moments where you’re just exhausted and stressed. So when we can remove that from doctor


you can show up for that clinical team, them little more accountable and have a little bit more mental energy to talk to patients about things or maybe even improve on how we’re presenting things or how we’re handing things off, not only for a doctor, but the entire clinical team to function a little bit better. And I think with office manager, right? And with this client, one of the things…


on top of taking delegated tasks was someone very dedicated to schedule, scheduling well, making sure that patients are getting in there. And so that alone was a huge piece and switching and getting that production, that revenue to grow is scheduling is huge and keeping it full and not having piddly days where you work really hard and don’t make anything.


The Dental A Team (15:59.065)

See you.


The Dental A Team (16:07.864)

I totally agree. And one piece that they, I know that the consultant talked about too on that same standpoint, right? We optimized how the team is doing everything and figured out the systems that needed to be there. But part of those systems were the meetings.


making sure that there was a great cadence, that the communication was there. And even, even doctors who are listening now, they’re like, I can kind of see myself there, but I have an office manager and he or she is fantastic. And that’s great. And you’re still looking for that space in that area of growth. could be as simple as the communication. How is, how is your communication with the team? How are you communicating with your office manager? This specific practice was doing weekly meetings with the office manager and really got that cadence down and really got a good momentum on the meetings because


Now they’re talking about the goals. So when we’re, and we’ve talked about this, you guys, there’s a couple podcasts recently you can listen to. When you’re looking at the goals and you’re constantly looking at where are we trying to go and where have we been, what’s that gap in between, you’re able to then strategize and say together, what do we need to do to get to that point? Because you’re not going to say, you’re not going to call me and be like, Tiff, we went from 1.5 or 1.2 to 2.5 and I just hired an office manager. That’s all it took. It might.


That’d be super freaking cool, right? But likely there’s a lot more work that goes into it. So hiring the right person, having right people, right seat, having the training and having the systems and then having the strategy, which is something that I think a lot of doctors need help working through. actually had someone who’s really close to me the other day. He’s like, I don’t understand like this, like a successful doctor, like you’re not, they’re not your ideal client. And like, yeah, they are.


Britt (17:56.567)



The Dental A Team (17:56.837)

I mean, yeah, they are. He’s like, well, they’ve already done it. I’m like, yeah, but sometimes they can’t see through the weeds of where they want to go. And they see this vision and they see, okay, I’ve gotten this far. Is this my cap? Because I really think it’d be cool to do X, Y, and Z. Or I just want a little bit more. And sometimes it’s easy to the want, to have that want and have that desire. But the strategy piece…


is a little bit more difficult and sometimes it takes that third party perspective. So this client, making sure that they worked really closely with their consultant on what that strategy needed to look like, the team training, the delegation, the meeting, setting the right cadence for their calls, making sure that they showed up every single time that they were in it to win it. They did the hard things. They did the implementations. We can only do so much. You can’t implement it and do it for you. But making sure that they were doing it. This doctor put in a lot of work.


But on the flip side, they got time back with their kids, they decreased overhead, which increased their profitability, increased their profitability with production and collections, right? And increased just their hygiene rate of pay, five times their rate of pay. Like that’s huge, that’s above and beyond what we push for. But they did those hard things, right? People write seat, write training, write strategy and systems, and making sure you know where you’re trying to go.


Britt (19:15.107)



The Dental A Team (19:20.377)

and doing those hard things. And Britt, I think my big question to you is can anyone do this? Like even if these aren’t your exact numbers, right? You can see yourself somewhere in this story. Can anyone have these results?


Britt (19:35.333)

I think anyone can definitely get the improvement, right? And there’s gonna be some fat, welcome to the realist. Anyone can do it grow. I don’t care what space you’re in. I don’t care what’s going on within the practice right now. Everyone has the opportunity to grow and comes in at a point where it’s like, all right, you might’ve been doing really well, great. How do we take you to the next level and grow you even more?


The Dental A Team (19:42.159)



The Dental A Team (19:58.168)



Britt (19:59.109)

And there are some where it’s like, hey, I’m functioning, right? Decent, but I can’t figure out how to get beyond that. And we’ve got the space, we’ve got the potential and they can get those results, right? So anyone can make the change and get results. And I think with this factor, it’s not just hiring an office manager like you said.


There’s also accountability, because sometimes it takes more than one, honestly, to find the right person. So you’ve got to have the accountability along with it while delegating things and getting someone who can really own that role. And you can do it. You can get the results that you want and get your practice functioning to its full capacity no matter who you are. Just by taking a little bit help and guidance on the way.


The Dental A Team (20:21.296)



The Dental A Team (20:37.213)

Totally agree. Yeah, which it should. Like I told this friend who made that comment to me, was like, gosh dang it, do you know how many business ideas I have had in the last five, 10 years of my life that have never gone anywhere because I didn’t have somebody sitting behind me. Like, did you do that thing? Did you do that thing? Because I’m like, I don’t know what the next step would be. Like if I’m truly going to do something and go to the next level, no matter what it is, if it’s my wealth management, if it’s…


Britt (20:53.784)



The Dental A Team (21:04.476)

He’s doing something within Dental A Team on a course, right? Creating something new. I can have the idea, but sometimes I need that coach behind me, even if it’s just Britt on my own team being like, your next step is, and sometimes we just need that. And I think that’s what this doctor came in, like exhausted, knew what he wanted, but just was like spread too thin. It’s too hard to fix it all. We need that third party perspective sometimes to be like, no, this is, this is where we start.


If we start right here, clear that up, it leaves space to now double up and apply that space that you’ve got towards this thing to move that needle, but we’ve got to free up that space first. So 100 % think you’re right.


Britt (21:44.486)

and even just coming up with the ideas, right? Or like some, can think of one client in particular where it’s like, I’m maxed on space, which absolutely they were, they were maxed on space and like doing really well. We were able to grow a little bit in that space. And I remember from the beginning, we started working together and I’m like, okay, like.


The Dental A Team (21:53.872)



Britt (22:04.771)

What, right? Big picture. What’s your plan? Right? Are you wanting to just maximize this space? Are you wanting to try and get into a bigger space for you? Have you thought associate? And it’s like, well, I mean, maybe if something came along and like he just moved into a new building that’s big enough and he’s like, I want to get my associate on coming on so I can start to back days. I’m like, great. We’re in a different spot. It’s still not my vision, but I’m like, I’m going to find some ideas. So you know what could be if that aligns with your vision and where you want to go.


The Dental A Team (22:07.152)



The Dental A Team (22:18.0)



The Dental A Team (22:24.582)



The Dental A Team (22:34.205)

Totally agree. Totally agree. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. This stuff lights me up and being able to see this kind of growth or the potential in people and for people I think is huge. And that’s kind what you’re saying. Like your potential could be this, like where do we want to take it is the next question. But this is what I see as possible for you. And I know you guys are doing that a lot on the practice assessment that a lot of, a lot of, hopeful Dental A Team clients or, you know, just getting information people are doing with you guys is


This is where you’re at. This is where I think you could go. This is the trajectory. So I think it’s really cool. We do a lot of these for all of you guys. Anyone who wants one can call. If you’re a Dental A Team client, you know, we work with you guys constantly on making sure that we’re setting those goals. So I love it. I think anyone can have this. Like you said, Britt, anyone can have this as long as you’d want it. If this is what you want, or if you want just a little bit of growth, you want whatever, you can have whatever you want. You just have to be willing to do the work and make the changes with.


some guidance and accountability. That’s something that we do really well over here. Guidance, accountability, strategy, all of those pieces. So you tell us what you need. If you found yourself in this predicament or you found yourself in this story and you’re like, take me to that next level, I’m tired too, or I’m not tired yet, but I’m afraid I’m gonna get there, call us. Send us an email, [email protected] We’re always here for you guys. We are so excited to bring you information like this, to bring you the tips and the guidelines.


Britt (23:51.418)



The Dental A Team (24:01.275)

Brett, thank you for taking this trail with me on this transformation and for your brilliant tips here. think the listeners are lucky to have you. So, Brett, thank you for being here with me today. Awesome.


Britt (24:14.309)

Absolutely. You’re the leader. You get to lead all the things here on podcasts and it’s always fun to chat with you. I don’t know. I always love the yin and yang. I love when people have different ideas. That’s probably the fun of consulting is there’s a million different ideas and let’s talk about it.


The Dental A Team (24:30.162)

I totally agree. I totally agree with that. Well, thank you for the accolades there. All right, guys, five star review below. Let us know that you love this content. If you see yourself in this, if you see yourself out of it, you want more information, reach out to us. You can schedule a free practice assessment with us. You can reach out to us, [email protected] Message us here on all the…


Insta’s, the Facebook’s, the TikTok’s, wherever you can find us, we’re there on all of it. So thank you guys so much. Go enjoy your day. Let us know how we can best serve you and we’ll catch you next time.


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