Securing a Yes: Patient Engagement and Crafting Comprehensive Treatment Plans

In this course from Dental A Team, your treatment coordinators will gain the skills to present a treatment plan and help patients say yes! We will walk them through how to present in a confident, caring way that converts.

Get Dental Treatment Plans Training
Doctor discussing treatment plans with his patient.

Treatment coordinators serve as a vital link between dental practitioners and patients. These professionals are responsible for seamless communication between the dentist and the patient regarding treatment plans, procedures, and financial options. When treatment coordinators lack the confidence to present comprehensive plans, it can result in confusion among patients. This can lead to a decrease in treatment acceptance rate. In this course, your treatment coordinators will gain the knowledge and skill to write and present treatment plans with empathy so patients feel understood and supported when saying YES to their treatment. 

Are You Dealing With...

Icon of a person with a thought bubble next to them with an X in it, indicating they are not thinking/communicating.

Patients not saying yes to treatment plans.

Icon of three bars increasing in height with a question mark above the tallest bar.

Patients unsure of the next step in their treatment.

Icon of an empty calendar

Holes in your schedule due to a lack of case acceptance.

Digital icon

Coordinators not following up on treatment plans that don’t close.

Master the VIP Mindset

In this course, your treatment coordinators explore many helpful tips and tricks including, creating and troubleshooting treatment plans, talking money, scheduling, and properly treating patients with a VIP mindset! Your treatment coordinators will gain leadership and active listening skills that they can apply to patient situations and interdepartmental relationships. They will receive a downloadable workbook and resource guide, plus module quizzes throughout the course for an accountable way to test their knowledge and track progress. Along with your workbook are 3-5 minute training videos for those who benefit from visual learning. We also provide checklists and forms that your treatment coordinator can utilize at your practice during and after their training.

Achieve Success with a Patient-Forward Approach

Increased case acceptance is a game-changer for the success of a practice, and it all starts with empathy and an unwavering commitment to the VIP patient experience. When you sign your treatment coordinator up for our training course, they will be equipped with the tools to foster positive patient relationships, facilitate treatment acceptance, and contribute to the overall success and growth of the dental office. Purchase includes lifetime access to this course. All courses purchased from the Dental A Team are non-refundable.

3-5 Minute Training Videos

Module Quizzes

Pre-Made Checklists & Forms

Downloadable Workbook

Your Trusted Resources for an investment of $997

Get Dental Treatment Plans Training

Earn 4 CE Hours with this Self-Guided Course

This online self-instructed course includes four modules to train treatment coordinators on the ins and outs of dental treatment planning. In Phase One, we break it all down. We give you the basics of insurance, financial options, and how to communicate those options to patients. Phase Two is all about troubleshooting errors in treatment planning. From writing confusing plans to not discussing finance options with enough empathy, we tackle the most common pitfalls in treatment coordination. Phase Three focuses on verbiage and how to successfully discuss treatment with a patient and secure a YES! Lastly, Phase Four teaches coordinators the money mindset and how to turn failed cases into successes.

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“One of the biggest highlights for me of working with Dental A Team has been the in-office visits. Tiffany is our coaching consultant– She’s able to come in, see the things we’re doing really well, and see some areas where we might have blind spots, but she’s able to see it from a broader perspective than what my team and I can see."

Dr. Nathan Tilman

Multi-Practice Owner

  • Course Instructor: Dental A Team
  • AGD Subject Code: 550
  • Original Release Date: January 1, 2019
  • Review Date: July 1, 2022
  • Expiration Date: June 30, 2025