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Episode : #500: 5 of DAT’s Hottest Topics

Podcast Description

We did it. The Denta A-Team has put out 500 podcast episodes! Thank you to all who’ve joined this journey with us, at whatever point that was for you. In the spirit of this magnificent milestone, Kiera is sharing the five most popular episodes that’ve come out of this podcast.

  1. Don’t Break Up With Me – Controlling Cancellations

  2. 37% to 97% Fluoride Acceptance in Just 3 Months!

  3. Dental Gold Mine with Dr. Deren Flesher

  4. Insurance verification (there’s a couple different ones here)

  5. Increase Case Acceptance From 50% to 100% in One Afternoon

  6. Bonus episode! (Listen to this episode to find out which one it is)

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